Our Story

When Forrest was younger and we were just beginning to learn how to navigate raising a neurodivergent child, there were moments when we felt lost in the wilderness. At a time when we were working overtime to learn and unlearn how we could help Forrest, we also faced moments where the lack of understanding and acceptance or partnership in the world around us was bewildering and the path ahead less clear.
…there were moments when we felt lost in the wilderness.
I recall the days when I worried about whether Forrest would have genuine friends, which even led us to name our first autism walk team “Friends of Forrest.” Just by being himself, Forrest has enriched the friendships throughout our entire family. Those true moments of connection for him, and the bonds for our family, have eased our journey.
Years ago, we used to worry that Forrest would never have real, meaningful friendships. We even named our first autism walk team ‘Friends of Forrest.’ Today, I am proud to be wrong. It turns out that Forrest has enriched the friendships of our entire family simply by being himself. Our friends and family who “just get it”–business partners, therapists, teachers, and even acquaintances–who offered kindness, knowledge, support, and connections, have helped us navigate our way through the trees.
We understand that every neurodivergent person has a unique journey filled with diverse experiences. Just like a thriving forest, our community flourishes through connections and support. This is why we are committed to building a network of—Friends of Forrest—who will advocate for neurodiversity and work to break down barriers that hinder access to community and opportunity.
We understand that every neurodivergent person has a unique journey filled with diverse experiences.
Forrest benefits from financial security, excellent health insurance, and having parents skilled in behavioral health and logistical problem-solving. This advantage has allowed us to become effective navigators and advocates, helping Forrest thrive. However, we recognize that his progress is partly due to privilege. While we are not the first parents forging new paths for a neurodivergent child, we are committed to bridging gaps in neurodiversity resources and allyship, ensuring the path remains open for others.
When Forrest Logistics opened for business in 2019, Friends of Forrest was a big inspiration behind it. With a commitment to make a difference to drive neurodivergent lives forward, they generously pledged to donate $1.50 from every load hauled to the foundation. Forrest Transportation trucks are moving on American highways with QR codes that allow people to sign our pledge of friendship and support the movement.